Sexuality, love and devotion
Suddenly awaken
I open the window
and the heart smiles!
the velvet shinning grass
is dancing
under the full moon light…
The face of the goddess!
Sexuality, love and devotion
Suddenly awaken
I open the window
and the heart smiles!
the velvet shinning grass
is dancing
under the full moon light…
The face of the goddess!
In this training we invoke the power of the feminine energy through the Tantric Goddesses, channeling the love and wisdom of the “Divine Mother” to guide us through the rich, powerful and challenging universe of our sexual energy.
We open for healing and for deeper intimacy with ourselves, with life and with the principle of creation. The feminine grows in communion, and together we can evoke real awakening and true transformation.
This is an invitation to return back home – to our bodies, to our feelings, and to our soul
In the Awakened Feminine training we will:
Call the power and the love in every woman’s womb and heart, bringing fresh aliveness to our bodies and opening to the richness of our emotional energy…
The work is embedded in the physiological and psychological understandings of sexual energy and is rooted in the timeless dimension of meditation and spirituality.
… where we can open the fire and sensuality in our yoni and our hips, and the love and juice in our breasts, waking up our capacity to sense and feel life all around us.
Together we create a feminine energetic field that holds, supports and nourishes each woman, so that we all can relax and move into deeper connection with ourselves, with other women and with men in our lives.
We will use the map of the chakra system, based on the tantric teachings of sacred sexuality, to guide us into the transformation of our instinctual and natural energy into an ever-present life-giving fountain of love and awareness.
In our sacred space, we bring all our questions, doubts, experiences, competencies, understandings, and create a loving and wise circle that function at the same time as a healing force, a therapeutic support and a channel for new information, for new understanding and for integration at individual and collective levels.
“The last module of our women´s group was so rich and fulfilling. I could feel the connection amongst all of us, and I feel it lasts… I could feel stronger than before that something was being created “here and now”, nobody could anticipate what the result would be and so it was very exciting. I felt so much present and alive…”
“The greatest thing for me in this training was realizing my shadows and deeply hidden beliefs that were also kept and shared by the whole feminine line in my family… It was absolutely ground breaking to see those patterns and how they influenced my personal and professional life. It was really supportive to share it and let the healing begin in a safe circle of conscious and loving women.”
“I loved the image you suggested – that we are weaving a fabric together and each thread is important – I can see all the colours separately, but we never know what the final fabric would be like. And I love to be a part of it.“
The Awakened Feminine training happens in four modules:
The Sacred Feminine Temple and the Divine Mother
GODDESS: Lakshmi
In this module we start creating our feminine temple, a sacred circle to connect with other women, to give and receive support and to enter in intimacy with our feminine qualities.
We support each other to open our bodies and our hearts and to create a safe and nourishing space where we can contact our fears, shame and all the conditionings that are on the way for our full aliveness, sensuousness and our natural capacity to love.
We work with the Mother’s Archetype, bringing awareness and healing light to the way we got influenced by our mothers and female ancestors – the beliefs and conditionings about what is it to be a woman, about sexual energy and connection with the body, and about intimate relationships.
We will go through group dynamics, rituals and initiation in order to complete energies that may be still held in the body-mind system from the connection with our female ancestor.
As we liberate the energies from old experiences we honor our roots as the source of life force, and create space to receive the gifts of essential feminine qualities from the “Divine Mother” and her unconditional love.
We clear the way for a deeper intimacy with ourselves and for the full right to live and express our sexual energy in our unique way.
The Dance of the Feminine and Masculine
GODESSES: Durga – Parvati
In this module we move into the dynamic interplay of feminine and masculine energies in ourselves and in life.
We invite the masculine principle to be present in us and with us, to support us bringing awareness to the way it is alive or sleeping inside of us and the way it manifests in the world, in our actions, in our relationship with man.
Rooted in the feminine power and the compassionate heart we explore our connection with our fathers and male ancestors.
We look at the patterns and conditionings that we may still carry from our primary relationship with the masculine – how those experiences shaped our beliefs and behaviors around men and intimate relationships, how it influences the way we relate to our body and our sexual energy, and the way we manifest our gifts in the world.
We work with our capacity to set healthy boundaries, from where we can open our hearts and our bodies for a new and creative connection with men and the masculine energy, inside and outside ourselves.
We learn to relate to the masculine as the infinite space of presence and as the support into which we can lean on, relax, expand and enjoy life.
The Feminine Shadow and the Transformative Power of the Dark Goddesses
Supported by the power of our connection and the guidance of love and fierceness of the dark Goddesses we will dive deep into our individual and collective feminine shadow, embracing them fully and meeting our negative patterns and behaviors with full love and compassion.
We go into an adventure to get back the potent energies that are trapped in the dark places of our psyche.
In our journey we enter the gates of our unconscious, moving through the challenges and obstacles on the way, bringing the light of love and consciousness into the most hidden areas of our selves.
When we face the challenges of our shadow, the dark side of the feminine and her unconscious motivations, we come out from being a victim into an mature and wise woman, and start drinking from the deep well of our natural powers and our embodied essential qualities.
The Dark Goddesses are the carriers of erotic and ecstatic energies that when liberated can move into healthy sexual and sensual interactions as well as into highly creative expressions and spiritual dimensions.
We connect with our sexual energy as the natural and instinctual force that connects and creates, and from there we open our hearts for all the pain, the joy and the longing that we carry in our body and mind.
The Ecstatic, Sexual and Creative Woman
GODDESS: Lalitha Tripura Sundari
In the completing module of the training we bring all our experiences together into a sacred art of living life in all aspects – sex, love, relationships, creativity and spirituality – blending our strength, sexuality, and aliveness with our sensuality, love, compassion, and relaxing surrender to life.
We celebrate the power of feminine bliss and playfulness and enter even deeper into our bodies as carriers of pleasure and beauty that comes from inside out.
We practice experiencing an embodied sexual energy that can expand and be expressed into different areas of life, and can be shared and enjoyed with a partner or alone.
We invite the loving, ecstatic and creative Goddesses to guide us into opening the juicy flow of energy in our bodies. We will enter the sacred temples of our feminine bodies with grace and devotion, celebrating the life-given-power of our sexuality with an authentic connection to life, the world, and to spirit.
Experiencing the divine in every aspect of our being we include a spiritual dimension of love, compassion, trust and connection into our lives and relationships.
The feminine energy awakens while in connection, within shared spaces, in welcoming what is with an open heart, in relaxation and in playfulness!
Active and Silent Meditations, Body and Breathing Exercises, Dance, Sounds and Voice expression, Conscious touch, Somatic Experiencing (SE®), Systemic Ritual®, Childhood de-conditioning, Guided Journeys, Imagery, Healing Rituals, Sacred Circles, Sharing, Transparent Communication, and the magic of our co-created feminine energetic field.
° We will create an energetic field through an ongoing connection between all of us through sharing groups and practices that support each woman to go deeper and deeper into herself and her process, while being fully engaged in her daily life and her relationships.
° After each module you will receive a manual with the resume of the themes we worked with and description of the practices and meditations.
° Between each module there will be an online mentoring session with the assistants.
° The training includes an individual session with Komala that you can choose to have at any time during our eight months process.