Apr 19 - Feb 2
Prague / Czech Republic
In the Four Seasons training we work with Systemic Ritual® and use the Wheel of the Four directions as a map to guide us through the continuous movement of life, with all its gifts, challenges and possibilities of each season, within a year cycle.
Jun 5 - Feb 24
Broumov / Czech Republic
The OPEN VOICE TRAINING is professional training that is happening in 6 modules within two years.
The training is suited for therapists, group leaders, teachers, shamanic practitioners, singers, actors, life coaches, musicians, and anyone that has a voice and the longing to explore their inner and outer world through this amazing vehicle.
Feb 7 - Feb 12
As the Third Eye opens, we can look within and see ourselves beyond our self-identity and limited mind and personality patterns. We start perceiving reality with more clarity, seeing through the density of the physical world into the subtle realm of energy and spirit.
Mar 7 - Mar 9
Prague / Czech Republic
Supported by the power of our connection and the guidance of love and fierceness of the Goddesses, we will dive deep into our individual and collective feminine shadow, embracing them fully and meeting our negative patterns and behaviours with love and compassion.
Apr 25 - Apr 27
Prague / Czech Republic
OPEN VOICE is a method for rescuing our natural ability to sing spontaneously by expressing our inner experiences and the uniqueness of our soul.
May 9 - May 11
Leipzig / Germany
OPEN VOICE is a method for rescuing our natural ability to sing spontaneously by expressing our inner experiences and the uniqueness of our soul.
May 16 - May 18
Praha / Czech Republic
In the completing module of the training, we bring all our experiences together into a sacred art of living life in all aspects – sexuality, love, relationships, creativity, and spirituality.
Jun 6 - Jun 11
The themes at the Crown are transcendence, wisdom, universal identity, understanding, life purpose, inspiration, and spiritual connection. we will inquire into our Life Purpose and the deeper meaning of our life: What are we "really" here for, and what are our gifts, challenges, and potential.
Oct 3 - Oct 8
Kohoutov / Czech Republic
In this module, we rediscover the dimension of the sacredness of our body and of matter, the substance that has enabled us to be here as human beings. The first chakra topics are survival instincts, health, grounding, vitality and feeling at home in the world and in the body.
Oct 31 - Nov 2
Praha / Czech Republic
This is a ritual to let go of the past, a ritual of cleansing and freeing ourselves from everything that we no longer need, so that life can develop, move forward blessing the future.
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