Living the Path of Love and Awareness

It is my passion to guide you into uncovering your essential gifts –  your natural capacity to love yourself, to connect and share with others, and to unfold your unlimited creative potential.

We create an environment of trust and openness, a loving container that supports your energy to fully land in your body, opening your heart and your mind – taking you into new levels of aliveness and well being.

Areas of my work

 What I offer

I work with groups, training’s and individual sessions to support people to connect with their aliveness and well-being, and to open their curiosity and trust in life and in relationships.

My experience working with groups and individuals is that we all long for deeper and real connections, and to be seeing, felt, and recognized for what we truly are – in our essential and integrated places as well as the most vulnerable hidden parts of ourselves.

When people feel safe to share their experiences with each other we create an emotionally intelligent culture that supports healing and self-growth.


A safe and dynamic space of self-exploration where every participant contributes to creating a group field that supports each other to move beyond limitations in a natural and connected way.

Long Training’s

An opportunity to experience, learn and embody powerful skills and techniques that you can apply to any therapeutical, professional and personal areas of your life.

Individual Sessions

A one-to-one meeting where I guide you into exploring your inner world in a gentle and profound way, supporting you to make sense of the dynamics and challenges of your outer life.

“You are very inspiring not only on my personal journey but as well on my professional one. I look for anchoring myself in my work and your approach is a support for me, that I can let go of all concepts and remain in my nature, fragility, vulnerability, and gentleness.”

Ivana H.Teacher of Non-Violent Communication



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